maybe you already was thinking one time of the sence of life
and maybe also of your life.. so why do you grow up in this part of the planet, in this family, in this society???

why we have so much different reality s .. why do we think there is only one truth?
and your ego will tell you yours is the right one 😀

but even your truth changes all the time, but do you think you were wrong before?
when you live your truth and you are happy with it, you dont want to change it.
so mostly the change happens when your thinking in a view changed.
so you are unsure about your old thinking because the new thinking makes more sense now.
so you going all the time a way of different understanding of the reality what you live.
and mostly you just live the belives from your parents or your society because you havent reflected yourself.

so why do we need all the pain to understand. living forward but understanding backward 😀
imagine you could come into a old body and get younger and die in a orgasm 😀 just a thought 😀
how more you look away from yourself how more you look into the past
when you look into the sky you see the deepest past because the light from the stars what you see is already more the 300 years old..
and how closer you come to your body you always see now but now is even now already past 😀
so you have to close your eyes and feel and image the future what you want to see. because your inside is your outside
people want always to achieve more because they think the strongest and the most intelligentest will survive.
but real strenght is the ability of adaptability/flexibility   because change is the only constant thing in the universe
everything what stops creating/evolving starts dieing
so when you can accept everything what is at the moment it dosent matter if its physical pain, stupidity or whatever then you will become free.
experience and unconditional assumptions of all that is, the pain comes because you think something have to be like this form, what you studied or experienced and if you cant change it you are always in a conflict/pain with it.
so this is a way to become more joy into your life but what is still the sence.. why i am here?

i dont want to tell you my total reality because it will be maybe also just temporal but i know my mission at the moment and enjoying it to the fullest
but i will give you the key to explore because only you can find your own sence !!!

i think the easiest thing is to give more sense into your life is :follow your heart and start feeling stop thinking , start living stop surviving,
be happy because this affects all the people around you and happiness heals the world. when you are happy or in deep love you dont think
the happiness brings your mind into nothingness and nothingness is the key for everything. go with the flow 😉

when you are happy then there is nothing more to do then just to be ;)remember THERE IS NOTHING TO DO THEN JUST TO BE 😉
YOU ARE ALWAYS PERFECT 😉 you cant be better or worst then you are !!!even if you have more skills you will be always the same human!
you judge just yourself with your conditioned mind… accept your self 😉 do you know what ??  SMILE 😀  BE HAPPY 😉


wish you the best and the most peace love fun unity and freedom 😉


listen to the song 😉 and dance to it now . give a shit whereever you are at the moment
listen to this song and sing it loud 😉

smile everyday 1min in the mirrow .smile to strangers..doesnt matter what they think or how they react
stay in your happy reality you are the creator of your reality !!! 🙂

feel free to like and share 😉 spread the happiness!!!


watch happy movie trailer 20min glücklichsein vortrag