In recent days, I watched what still makes me angry or brings me out of my balance and I have noticed this also in my therapist friends. The main irritant is stupidity. But what is stupidity? For many of us, it is the unawareness of people’s talk and actions, refusal to understand and ignorance of another’s point of view.

In fact, stupidity does not exist. We learn some stuff in school or society and think that is the total reality, because it is written in a book or most common people believe in it. In reality, everything is just a thesis. The only constant thing in the universe is change so our realities and knowledge also change all the time.

Think back a little bit, such as 16 of 20 years ago: nobody thought about having a portable phone or that one computer could communicate with another. Farther back, the concept of flying in a huge heavy metal object was unthinkable.

Inventers and dreamers became names like “idiots” or “crazy people,” but these people are the people for our evolution.we need different thinkers to get rid of the old thought what brought us the problems.

For example, when you go into the jungle and meet some tribes they have mostly no idea about computers and consider you to be a super freak and know everything so you think you are super intelligent. However, when you are alone in the jungle and do not know how to get clean water or build a shelter… so who is the stupid man now? 😀

Why do we still make fun of people who have less knowledge or experience? One of the reason people watch talk shows is because they feel then more intelligent then the people who act stupidly to get some money or fame. The ego feels superior by having more knowledge; of course we know knowledge is power, but only if you also can use the knowledge.

What difference does it make if you do not know the name of a famous singer or politician? One could live in peace and harmony without having all this knowledge, or even maybe easier. The more you start researching, the more you will find that people or information are not accurate, mostly like how they got presented in the media. One sees all the crime in this world and it makes you feel powerless and angry at so many manipulated people who believe and follow almost anything without questioning the media. For many, television (tell lie vision) is the total truth.

I have watched more than one thousand documentaries in the past two years to research different information and views in order to better understand what is going on in this world. With all the knowledge and different views that I have studied, I only can see this as my truth and some people will see maybe the same common sense and can predict the same things. It does not makes any difference if one is not in the position to make a change or become self-active. If you cant get any practical info or knowledge about what you really can use for yourself to have a better life, then it is just information that makes your mind more busy and worried about the future. That is why so many ‘spiritual’, intellectual and truth-seeking people are struggling in their world.

We want to impress with smartness with knowing complicated words, grammar or knowing history dates or whatever. The school system created a common knowledge that the people are intelligent enough to work, but what is really needed is more practical knowledge, or at least a creative mind to find solutions for our self created problems.

How can we judge others or world problems when we still cannot handle our own problems? We would need many more teachers in school to teach children how to work better in groups, how to find solutions, how to get creative, how to work with all kind of social problems. Real wisdom comes with success in your challenges and opening up your mind, because one cannot find a solution with the same thinking that created the problem.

Something what could be considered stupid in eyes of one person could be good in the eyes of another. For example, I am standing with the snakeboard on a two-meter wall and jump down on the street that goes down into a garage. An outside observer could view my jump as scary and risky. I see how that is possible, but my trust of my body balance lets me jump and conquer the fear. I learned to look into the fear and to overcome it, thereby achieving success. For some people, such an action seems stupid because of taking the risk.

Look at a child growing up… it does not know mostly anything so we help it. The child will make many mistakes but we do not judge it when it makes mistakes or does not understand things immediately. Good teachers know a child is in the process of learning and progressing step by step. Why, then, do we judge other people just because they do not see things like we do or do not have the same information and experience that we have? We are all children in a learning process and one of the reasons why we hate or do not like „stupid“ people or people with different mindsets and behavior is because it reminds us of ourselves. The ego always thinks it is right. Think of yourself five years ago in comparison to now: you were more stupid in a constant process. Even if your process was faster than others or you have greater understanding in one subject, it does not makes things better by telling others that you are better and they are stupid. So even if the person more stupid then a sheep, train you paitent and try to find ways to help/explain on a way they could understand.

We only learn things easily when it makes us happy to do so. In such circumstances, one appreciates the teacher and is more motivated to learn. It is not possible to teach someone who is not willing to learn. The only stupidity would be when one is always the same in thinking and resistant to change of mindset. Mistakes are the only way of real learning. One always remember success and honors the way of failure. We just have fear the other people laughing at us when we are failing. That is why many people stop trying to do something different and many also do not want to see their failure because of the ego.

Many people were never taught how to learn or see and find solutions with other views. For this reason, some are still judging the unaware view or difference instead or accepting the path of learning.

The way of healing all your conflicts in this crazy world of pain, nonsense and chaos is fully accepting the process of each other, focusing on your self and the joy in your life and working together as a big community. Everyone has a special gift and everyone can help each other when we get rid of our fear of difference. Black, white, yellow, red, blind, handicapped, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, reptile, politician, police, alien, homeless, rich…we are all the same. We created the fear of the unknown and difference.

If you cannot accept things as they are, then change them by becoming active with yourself and live the positive ideal so people can follow your way. 🙂

Have a beautiful day and enjoy the learning process 🙂

I know that I know nothing till the universe stops changing.

Everything that is now is already past and it will never be the same and so we only can believe in mankind thesis to stop the fear of the unknown. Soon we will be ready for the unknown to explore the beauty of emptiness, totality and full expansion in creation.

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i got my lesson from a baby cat haha

so what happened this cat is 9 week old and very destructive was biting my earphones off and jumps always around and attacks from time to time and you can through her 20 times down from the table when we were eating and she just dont want to learn….

why you cannot be a little bit more like a dog hahaha

so for me was funny to see why i have a conflict with this babycat when i love every kind of animal.

so i dont like this diva cat behaviour and its funny i growed up with my neighbor cats and i loved them even that my father dont like cats 😀 so i started to analize what could it be .. and i found out that this diva behaviour is kinda respectless for me and the distructive manner breaks also the harmony. but wait .. its not my cat i dont need to live with her and why do i take this then personal. so i just saw that we are all programmed in an order what is normal/comfort or how it should be and when someone is totally different ..this breaks your border of this normal state where you feel comfortable and thats the reason for the conflicts in the difference. accepting what is is the key.. because all that is is all that is, thank you so much for this lesson.


We are the world