one of my friend sended me a link about illuminati and asked me what do i think about this ….
and another asked me how i deal with animal or human cruality ….

so after i found out that the information was not that right what i belived already many years ago
i start requestioning everything and found more about the so called truth.
people call themself to be awaken then, just because they finally see how they lived as a sheep for so many years,
following structures without thinking why because everyone does it.
but how more people seek in the bad goverment or whatever how more they will find out about it
many of my friends are doing very good research on this, so more and more of the truth is comming up.
people talk about goverment/police violence,human history, annunaki, illuminati, mind, alchemy,weather and food control and other long kept secrets.
but if all this stuuuff would be that secret then it wouldnt be on youtube and accessable for everyone. 


what i feel its more that this is their plan to direct the awared people more into the fear and helpless situation
because if you are not in the position to change anything you become a victim from the outside.
so the only way is self responsibility  or make a community to come together to make a change.
so many spiritual people become then fanatism and angry of this world what we created and just seperates again with their hate against the so called bad system and unaware people. people who are acting in the „bad“ way they are doing this mostly out of fear and wrong teaching so you wont change them with more hate… its like you expect a change in a person who kills or harms by harming him … i think we tried this many years and it didnt worked haha more fear and more hate just create more seperation and more stupidity

so i suggest just open the heart for everything what is and go on as a good example forward if you dont like that people harm or kill animals badly .. then go there and teach the right thing, if you dont like that woman gets raped or violenced … go their and teach the right thing.
if you dont like our politics study politic and become a better one.
ok politics is kinda hard example when you understand that they are just marionettes in a big religious force game 😀
and you dont need to support an old system find the right people and create a new.. this is already happening

it just we are so lazy sitting infront of over computer instead of taking action.
its easier to write some hatewords and hoping that someone has the same minddisorder like you 😀
its more that we post things to get accepted/supported from other people with the same ideas
everyone is just waiting for a big change or a new leader to follow instead of standing up and getting out of the comfort zone
and make your own hand dirty to create something out of love instead of pointing the finger to the bad things.
if you point your finger on one thing remember 3 fingers pointing back to you
where your focus flows the energie goes.

learn compassion and see everything is a learningprocess otherwise you will be always angry because of something what you dont understand how people can act like this. so its your ego  … you dont understand, why you think that you are better?

because you dont do this, but in a fact your are not better by even dont taking action, its like people making videos instead of helping.
so you are judging the way of their learning, their process, its like judging a baby what is not able to eat well 😀
i think its important to share all this informations from different views to see what is going on.
but dont get emotional and identifie yourself with something what is not in your power.
let people live their lie when they are not ready for the change, be happy with your reality

you dont help with spreading fuck the police fuck the system we are living in a slavery world and the biggest problems are the slaves who are happy in their prison 😀 just be a living free human example for what you want to see in this world.

stop giving the old fear strucutres your energie.
so where can we put the focus now? we can:
create schools with a new learning system this already happend so support them (lais)
we have organisations to help people so support them.
we have organisations to help nature and animals so support them.
or start to make your own thing, you are not here to follow you are here to create your own being




chooses wisley

share and support more the good things not because you are afraid of the bad things
because you know how happier are the people around you how happier you will be.
you create your reality when you want to see the bad things you will always find it, the same thing is with the good things 😉
you are a supercomputer what record everytime everything, so you better filter what you want to record and see in life
fear is the virus love is the antivirus … choose your side or be happy with both 😉 enjoy the process

be the peace love fun unity freedom and harmony what you want to see in this world ! thank you !
because one day all the people will see their masks and people will become afraid to be „normal“ instead of being themself and starting loving the difference in everything and anybody 😉

so if you like my note SHARE it … sharing is caring 🙂